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I love Jesus Christ and devote my life to following Him. I'm madly in love with my husband jon. I'm the mother of the most perfect babies in the world. I'm a Senior Sales Associate at my beloved Anthropologie. I'm a reader, thinker, lover, believer and traveler. I'd trade in the chicago skyline for the pacific coast any day. i love a good vino. i love my books. i'm creative as creativity goes but always wanted to be a painter. i prefer letter writing over emailing. And I always try to be a kinder person.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My little reader

When Alivia was little, I introduced her to reading books before she ever asked. She loves them...she reads them every night before bed...but I wouldn't necessarily peg her as a little book worm. Judah, on the other hand, can't get enough. He is ten months old and could easily sit for fifteen minutes reading books. He LOVES the pictures, and is fascinated by whoever is reading the story. It's adorable.

I'm gonna go ahead and take credit for birthing a book worm...since I'm a bit of a book worm myself :-)

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